Peace vigil demanding DNC call for ceasefire in Gaza violently attacked by police
The interfaith coalition of Democratic voters and activists held candles and sang as police used pellet guns and pepper spray to disperse non-violent protest
response to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s smears of Rashida Tlaib and Jewish Voice for Peace
Clearly, Marjorie Taylor Greene is politically threatened by Palestinians and Jews coming together to work for peace and justice.

URGENT: Tell Congress to stop fueling violence
The U.S. must work to immediately de-escalate to prevent the further loss of life, and not fuel and exacerbate the violence by sending more weapons to Israel.

We condemn Biden meeting with Netanyahu
It is unacceptable that President Biden has still chosen to meet with a political leader directly responsible for attacking democratic norms, escalating violence, and carrying out the crime of apartheid.
We condemn GOP resolution erasing Israel’s racism
Congress is trying to force a lie from the top down, but as more Americans demand accountability for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians, the lie will not hold for much longer
We commend members of Congress refusing to whitewash Israeli apartheid
“President Herzog is the head of state that is brutally oppressing millions of Palestinians through illegal military occupation and apartheid. It’s quite simple: Any member of Congress who believes in human rights should not attend or support his speech.”

We Condemn Deadly Israeli Military Invasion of Jenin
As a Jewish organization, we refuse to sit idly by while Palestinian children and families are hiding in their homes — sheltering from rampaging settlers and Israeli warplanes alike.
JVPA: The Israeli government must be held accountable — deny Israel entry to visa waiver program
“The U.S. government continues to offer blanket support to Israel, even as it means funding violent settler mobs attacking U.S. citizens and elected officials.”
Jewish Voice for Peace Action is proud to be a co-organizer of a historic event, Nakba 75 & The Palestinian People
Understanding the truth of the Nakba is not only about acknowledging historical facts, but also vital to understanding the ongoing violence of Israeli apartheid.
JVP Action welcomes re-introduction of the Palestinian Children & Families Act
The U.S. government is fully complicit in Israeli government and settler violence against Palestinians and we must put an end to the annual $3.8 billion blank check.