We organize American Jews and allies to win progressive legislation, change public conversation, and elect and defend progressive candidates.

JVP Action is working to ensure Palestinian rights is a core part of the anti-Trump agenda.
We’re fighting white nationalism, racism, antisemitism, and Islamophobia and lifting up emerging champions who will fight for equality, dignity, and justice for all — from the U.S. to Palestine.

We’re a new organization, but our roots run deep. Jewish Voice for Peace draws strength from over half a million supporters and decades of organizing for freedom and dignity in Israel/Palestine and the US.

We organize American Jews and allies to win progressive legislation, change public conversation, and elect progressive candidates – from City Councils to the White House.

JVP Action is mapping out a path for Palestinian rights to become a core part of the progressive agenda.

We're fighting white nationalism, racism, antisemitism, and Islamophobia and lifting up emerging champions who will fight for equality, dignity, and justice for all.
JVP Action is proud to endorse The Palestinian Children and Families Act
“Congress needs to stop funding the Israeli government’s oppression of Palestinians.”
12 members of Congress tell Blinken: Take Action now on Palestinian human rights
“The message from this administration must be clear: settler colonialism in any form – including Israel’s settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank – is illegal under international law and will not be tolerated.”
U.S. opposition to ICC investigation is another attempt to shield Israel from accountability
While the Biden administration has promised a foreign policy that will center human rights, it is becoming clear that there will be an exception — once again — for Palestinians.
All PAC-related content paid for by JVP Action PAC P.O. Box 15320, Washington D.C., 20003